Is Life A Competition?

It’s like taking candy from a baby, as long as the babies never question the assertion that winning a competition will make them a better person or provide them a better quality of life. That’s precisely why the prevailing subtext in advertising is about “winning the game” of money, status, sex… you name it.

Everyone Knows How To Sing

There was a time in your life when you sang full-throated and loudly, with no self-consciousness or concern for whether you “knew how” or not. You may have only been 4 or 5, but it was still you. The only reason you now don’t sing, do it badly, or even think you can’t, is because someone in your past suggested to you that it was hard, rare, only for the talented, etc., and it caused you to think that you might not actually be up to the task. And you had never even thought that before.